Scrum 1 - Build a team for scrum development

Scrum is one of the most effective frameworks for agile development. It is defined as;

A framework within which people can address complex adaptive problems, while productively and creatively delivering products of the highest possible value.

It’s lightweight, simple, but difficult to master. I show scrum in outline. The scrum team consists of a product owner, a scrum master, and a development team. It should be self-organizing and cross-functional.

Product Owner

The product owner has a role for maximizing the value of the product. They are responsible for managing the product backlog that includes;

  • Express product backlog items
  • Order the items in it
  • Ensure it is understandable

All members of the team must respect product owner’s decisions.

Scrum Master

The scrum master have the team adheres to the theory, practices, and rules. They also need to communicate with stakeholders to eliminate obstacles. They cover a broad range of things to support the team such as;

  • Share effective management of the product backlog with the product owner
  • Remove impediments to the development team’s progress
  • Help stakeholders understand their work

The scrum master is a servant leader for the team.

Development Team

The development team delivers a potentially releasable increment of “Done” product. They are self-organizing and cross-functional.

  • Work with no title other than developer
  • Have no sub-teams in the team
  • Take accountability as a whole

The development team should be from 3 to 9 members.

I’ll illustrate the scrum events in another post.
