Scrum 3 - Utilize the scrum artifacts

Artifacts in scrum are source of transparency, inspection and adaptation that are pillars in this framework. They are product backlog, sprint backlog, and increment.

Product Backlog

The product backlog is the single source of requirements for the product. The product owner is responsible for the product backlog. It includes all features, functions, and enhancements that have the information of a description, order, estimate and value. A product backlog is never complete.

The development team estimates each item, and the product owner monitors the total remaining work. This information should be transparent to all stakeholders in order to achieve the goal within the desired time.

Sprint Backlog

The sprint backlog is the set of items that are selected from the product backlog for the sprint. It enables the development team to check the work for the sprint goal. They keep it visible and updated.

The daily scrum is the right event to track the sprint backlog. The development team can manage the progress by it.


The increment is the sum of “Done” items in the product backlog. They must be in useable condition. In the sprint review, the increment is the input to give feedback and foster collaboration.
