Human-Centered Design 3 - Build a prototype with ideation

This article shows the methods of the ideation phase in human-centered design (Inspiration, Ideation, and Implementation). In this phase, you’ll identify elements for design, build prototypes of your ideas, and get feedback from the people.

Rapid prototyping is the key concept. You should test a prototype and integrate feedback as fast as possible. This iteration is the best way to evaluate efficacy of your idea.


Keep in mind that you focus on creativity rather than feasibility when you brainstorm. The purpose of brainstorm is generating hundreds of ideas.

  1. Present your question or prompt to the group
  2. Describe your idea with Post-it or board
  3. Generate as many ideas as you can

Here is the brainstorm rules by

  • Defer judgement
  • Encourage wild ideas
  • Build on the ideas of others
  • Stay focused on the topic
  • One conversation at a time
  • Be visual
  • Go for quantity


You do not need to make a prototype perfect. Rapid prototyping is a way to make your ideas tangible, to learn through making.

  1. Build a prototype
  2. Make models or mock-ups that you want to test
  3. Show your prototype and test it


Getting feedback is one of the essential elements. It is important to refine your idea by integrating feedback into your work in the ideation phase.

  1. Get a variety of reactions about your prototype
  2. Share the feedback that you collected
  3. Build the next iteration of your prototype
